Course offering for Erasmus 2022/23

Course offering for Erasmus incoming students – 2022/23 Academic Year

Medicina e Chirurgia

For the 2022/23 Academic Year, the new Medicine and Surgery core curriculum will be valid for years 1-4 (1st to 8th cycle), the former curriculum for years 5-6 (9th to 12th cycle). To avoid any timetable conflicts, we highly suggest complying with the following rules while filling out your Learning Agreement:

  • First semester (October 2022 to February 2023): please choose ONE cycle among 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th (see curriculum below);
  • Second semester (March 2023 to July 2023): please choose ONE cycle among 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th (see curriculum below);
  • You can also choose to take just some of the integrated courses offered during that cycle;

EXAMPLE: I’m staying from September 2022 to July 2023. I choose the 9th cycle for the first semester and the 12th cycle for the second semester. In my Learning Agreement, I can choose among the following courses:

Code Component name Semester ECTS
19159 Diagnostica per Immagini First semester 7
18670 Malattie Oncologiche ed Ematologiche First semester 12
18676 Patologia della Testa e del Collo – Organi di Senso First semester 9
18672 Reumatologia e Malattie Degenerative e Malformative dell’Apparato Locomotore First semester 7
18687 Emergenze Mediche e Chirurgiche Second semester 17
18685 Ginecologia e Ostetricia Second semester 11

Exceptionally, you can:

  • combine integrated courses from different cycles for the same semester. If any significant timetable conflicts occur, your Learning Agreement will have to be changed. Please remember that course attendance is obligatory for a minimum of 70% of the total hours;
  • choose single modules (see below);

The list of the clinical practices we offer is available at this link. Possible arrangements for the Erasmus+ for traineeship mobility could be made directly between the student and tutor. Clinical rotations are already provided as part of the integrated courses (Attività Formative Professionalizzanti – Professional Training Activities).

Other useful information:

  • Classes are taught in Italian. Even though language certificates are not required during the application process, a B1 level of Italian (at least) is still highly recommended. The University Language Center offers free intensive courses in September and February;
  • In your Learning Agreement, please write the course names in Italian with the related code and ECTS;
  • If you are using the Online Learning Agreement (OLA), please make sure to indicate the following:
  • Erasmus code: I NAPOLI01
  • Faculty: Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery
  • Contact person: Fernanda Nicotera
  • Contact person email:
  • Responsible person name and email: see here

Medicina e Chirurgia – Core Curriculum (2022/23)

Course syllabuses are available here. Calendars and timetables are updated in September.

Cycle Year Semester
1st 1st (new curriculum) 1st
2nd 2nd
3rd 2nd (new curriculum) 1st
4th 2nd
5th 3rd (new curriculum) 1st
6th 2nd
7th 4th (new curriculum) 1st
8th 2nd
9th 5th (former curriculum) 1st
10th 2nd
11th 6th (former curriculum) 1st
12th 2nd
Cycle Code Integrated Course Credits
1st U2905 Basi della Medicina ed Etica Clinica I (Basics of Medicine and Clinical Ethics I) 10
00392 Chimica e Propedeutica Biochimica (Chemistry and Propaedeutic Biochemistry) 7
04964 Fisica Medica (Medical Physics) 5
2nd 00851 Biologia Molecolare e Cellulare (Molecular and Cellular Biology) 8
01789 Biochimica Umana (Human Biochemistry) 9
18454 Genetica Umana e Medica (Human and Medical Genetics) 7
U2908 Basi della Medicina ed Etica Clinica II (Basics of Medicine and Clinical Ethics II) 4
3rd 01421 Anatomia Umana I (Human Anathomy I) 6
18613 Fisiologia Umana I (Human Physiology I) 7
00853 Istologia ed Embriologia Umana (Histology and Human Embryology) 6
00850 Statistica ed Informatica Medica  (Medical  Statistics and Informatics) 5
4th 01422 Anatomia Umana II (Human Anathomy II) 6
18632 Fisiologia Umana II (Human Physiology II) 8
12155 Microbiologia ed Immunologia (Microbiology and Immunology) 8
5th 08906 Patologia  Generale (General Pathology) 8
28271 Metodologia Clinica Medico-Chirurgica I (Clinical and Surgical Methodology I) 8
28273 Igiene e Medicina del Territorio (Hygiene and Community Medicine) 8
6th 05153 Fisiopatologia Generale (General Physiopathology) 5
28272 Metodologia Clinica Medico-Chirurgica II (Clinical and Surgical Methodology II) 8
U2968 Anatomia Patologica: Quadri Morfologici e Tecniche di Laboratorio (Pathological Anatomy: Morphological Aspects and Laboratory Techniques) 5
18662 Farmacologia  e Tossicologia Medica I (Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology  I) 5
7th 18664 Farmacologia e Tossicologia Medica II (Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology  II) 6
18665 Medicina di Laboratorio (Laboratory Medicine)* 10
18667 Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia, Malattie Cutanee e Veneree, Chirurgia Plastica (Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases, Plastic Surgery)* 10
28274 Malattie del Sistema Endocrino e dell’Apparato Digerente (Endocrine-Metabolic Disorders and Digestive System)* 12
8th U2973 Anatomia Patologica: Sistemica (Systemic Pathological Anatomy) 7
18666 Malattie dell’Apparato Cardiovascolare e Respiratorio (Cardiovascular and Respiratory  Disorders)* 11
18663 Malattie dell’Apparato Uropoietico (Urinary System Disorders) 6
18672 Reumatologia e Malattie Degenerative e Malformative dell’Apparato Locomotore (Rheumatology and Locomotor Diseases)* 7
9th 19159 Diagnostica per Immagini (Diagnostic Imaging) 7
18670 Malattie Oncologiche ed Ematologiche (Oncological and Haematological Diseases)* 12
18676 Patologia della Testa e del Collo – Organi di Senso (Head and Neck Pathology – Sensory  Organs)* 9
18672 Reumatologia e Malattie Degenerative e Malformative dell’Apparato Locomotore (Rheumatology and Locomotor Diseases)* 7
10th 18636 Malattie Infettive (Infectious Diseases) 6
18673 Medicina Legale e Medicina del Lavoro (Forensic and Occupational Medicine)* 6
18671 Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche (Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences)* 12
18675 Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia Generale (Clinical Medicine and General Surgery) 8
11th 18692 Chirurgia Generale (General Surgery) 11
18684 Medicina Clinica (Clinical Medicine) 10
00863 Pediatria (Paediatrics) 13
12th 18687 Emergenze Mediche e Chirurgiche (Medical and Surgical Emergencies)* 17
18685 Ginecologia e Ostetricia (Gynaecology and Obstetrics) 11

 *single modules available

Integrated Course Code Modules Credits
Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia, Malattie Cutanee e Veneree, Chirurgia Plastica 

(Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases, Plastic Surgery

00854 Medicina Interna (Internal Medicine – Immunology) 4
07755 Malattie Cutanee e Veneree (Skin and Venereal Diseases) 3
02428 Chirurgia Plastica (Plastic Surgery) 1
28279 Attività Formative Professionalizzanti (Professional Training Activities) 2
Malattie del Sistema Endocrino e dell’Apparato Digerente 

(Endocrine-Metabolic Disorders and Digestive System)

00856 Endocrinologia (Endocrinology) 4
00855 Gastroenterologia (Gastroenterology) 4
U0351 Chirurgia Generale (Abdominal Surgery) 2
U1299 AFP – Malattie del Sistema Endocrino e dell’Apparato Digerente (Professional Training Activities) 2
Malattie dell’Apparato Cardiovascolare e Respiratorio 

(Cardiovascular and Respiratory  Disorders)

07741 Malattie Apparato Cardiovascolare (Cardiovascular System Disorders) 3
07745 Malattie Apparato Respiratorio (Respiratory System Disorders) 3
02443 Chirurgia Vascolare (Vascular Surgery) 1
02397 Chirurgia Cardiaca (Cardiac Surgery) 1
00868 Chirurgica Toracica (Thoracic Surgery) 1
U1301 AFP – Malattie dell’Apparato Cardiovascolare e Respiratorio (Professional Training Activities) 2
Malattie Oncologiche ed Ematologiche 

(Oncological and Haematological Diseases)  

00873 Oncologia Medica (Medical Oncology) 4
19154 Malattie del Sangue (Haematology) 4
02412 Chirurgia Generale (Oncological Surgery) 1
03451 Diagnostica per Immagini e Radioterapia (Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy in Oncology and Haematology) 1
U1304 AFP – Malattie Oncologiche ed Ematologiche  (Professional Training Activities) 1
U2974 AFP – Cure Palliative (Professional Training Activities) 1
Patologia della Testa e del Collo – Organi di Senso 

(Head and Neck Pathology – Sensory  Organs)

20499 Malattie Apparato Visivo (Ophthalmology) 3
08751 Otorinolaringoiatria (Otorhinolaryngology) 2
00870 Audiologia (Audiology) 1
07807 Malattie Odontostomatologiche (Dental and Oral Diseases) 1
02423 Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale (Maxillofacial Surgery) 1
U1305 AFP – Patologia della Testa e del Collo – Organi di Senso (Professional Training Activities) 1
Reumatologia e Malattie Degenerative e Malformative dell’Apparato Locomotore 

(Rheumatology and Locomotor Diseases)

50170 Reumatologia (Rheumatology) 3
21398 Malattie Apparato Locomotore (Locomotor System Diseases) 2
08058 Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa (Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine) 1
U1306 AFP – Reumatologia e Malattie Degenerative e Malformative dell’Apparato Locomotore (Professional Training Activities) 1
Medicina Legale e Medicina del Lavoro 

(Forensic and Occupational Medicine)

50256 Medicina Legale (Forensic Medicine) 3
08050 Medicina del Lavoro (Occupational Medicine) 2
U1309 AFP – Medicina Legale e Medicina del Lavoro (Professional Training Activities) 1
Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche 

(Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences)

08518 Neurologia (Neurology) 4
50302 Psichiatria (Psychiatry) 4
08511 Neurochirurgia (Neurosurgery) 1
08529 Neuroradiologia (Neuroradiology) 1
50195 Psicologia Clinica (Clinical Psychology) 1
U1310 AFP – Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche (Professional Training Activities) 1

Additional available modules:

01766 Biochimica Clinica (Clinical Biochemistry) – from the Medicina di Laboratorio integrated course 3
20576 Anestesiologia (Anaesthesiology) – from the Emergenze Mediche e Chirurgiche integrated course 3